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Caspian Oil and Gas

Caspian Oil and Gas is a diversified private-owned holding with assets and projects in various segments of the oil, gas, petrochemical and mineral fertilizer business.

Major areas of activity:

Exploration, development and operation of onshore and offshore oil and gas fields in several countries.

Design, construction and operation of refining facilities, tank farms and pipeline systems.

Commodities trading
Export of crude oil, refined petroleum products, liquefied gases, petrochemicals, and mineral fertilizers.


  • Application of the leading technologies for the development of oil and gas fields.
  • Development of modern enhanced oil recovery methods in order to expand exports of high-tech services.

About Us

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Barrels, Crude Oil
Per Year
Metric Tons, Refined Products Per Year

Key Principle

The key principle in the process of production, refining and transportation of oil is sustainable development, which involves accelerated economic growth accompanied by prioritization of issues regarding labor protection, provision of industrial and ecological safety, and, also, minimization of negative impacts on the environment.

Environmental Policy

Our environmental policy aims to achieve continuous and systematic reduction of negative impact of process flows upon the environment, decrease of ecological risks by means of introduction of the best existing technologies, scientific and technological achievements. Also very important is the achievement of industrial and ecological safety level, which meets modern international standards and requirements. The rational use of natural resources based on introduction of innovative nature and resources conservation technologies is given high priority.

Innovative Development

At Caspian Oil and Gas, innovative development of the company targets the efficiency improvement in developing current and potential projects in accordance with the corporate strategy and the long-term development program. The objective of the innovative development is to achieve significant improvement of priority areas of the company’s development.

Social Responsibility

Caspian Oil and Gas within the framework of its activities exerts significant influence on social and economic development of the regions of operation. Therefore, our company adheres to a policy of high social responsibility for local communities and the whole society. We contribute to sustainable development in the areas of our operation as an employer, taxpayer and as a significant participant in the economy.